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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tenshi as #1 Otaku Wife!

Holy fuck! Tenshi is now #1 Otaku wife! Isn't that amazing?
The lovely, moe and silent Kaede Tachibana (Angel/Tenshi) from KEY's On-Going HIT anime, Angel Beats!, had just pwned the lovely two ladies from the popular, moe blob anime, K-ON!

Who are those two ladies you say? *drumrolls* dun dun dun dunn! It's moe moe kyun, blue striped pantsu girl Mio! and the food eating girl who never gets fat..... Yui! The two girls of the anime who do most of the singing for the anime's OP & ED. Yui is voiced by Toyasaki Aki, and Mio is voiced as Hikasa Yoko, if I can spell Yoko's last name right 8D

Anyways, Tenshi is now #1 and has surpassed the two girls from K-ON! Will one of the K-ON! girls strike back and get the number one spot and dominate the charts, once again? or will Tenshi will keep her first place until 2011 or 2010? Who knows!

Moe Moe Tenshi! Doesn't she look great in that outfit?
Credits: News goes to Sankaku Complex. Image goes to their respective owners.

Picnik Navigation

Confused? Getting dizzy? Never seen Picnik? First time actually trying it? Well look here newbies! Here I'm going to explain how to use the tools in Picnik and the like. I will also make tutorials.... maybe. If you're noobly enough to learn. Let's get started, shall we?

If you click home, you're at the damn home page. Wanna try to make graphics with Picnik? click the "Upload Photos" button you fools. There's also FAQ (if you have the questions and see if they're already answered and the like), About Us (About Picnik), Buzz (compliments and shit, if you know what I mean), Contact Us (If you have any problems or whatever), Privacy Policy (more shit), My Account (you're account and stuff! :D).

Start (Do awesome things and shit!): Edit Photos, Make a fancy or plain collage, Make a keepsake, or make a show. Get from computer: Upload photos you want and stuff. It will also show your recently uploaded pictures (if you uploaded any). History: All your saved photos. It will show the week's name and date and time of when you saved it. Get from website: Copy and paste a URL into the bar if you're way too lazy to upload a picture. Yahoo Search: I don't know what this is, but just type something and figure it out yourself, if you're a yahoo user. (I'm not!) Webcam Photo: You need a webcam plug in to do this. No webcam, no webcam picture. More: More...... stuff.

Here you get to mess around with your damn image. Got your uploaded image or Picnik sample ready? Good. Autofix: Just fixes your image to the way it was before you edited it. Rotate: Rotate your image up or down or whatever way! Look at the degrees. Crop: Crop your image. Keep this in mind, you can't get "EVERYTHING" when it comes to cropping images. Just being honest. Unless you're image is fucking small 8D Resize: So basically you make your image into clear-ish like small, medium-size, fucking big, or pixelated. I type in random numbers for resizing. So don't make your fucking image look crappy. Exposure: Play it around. Colors: Do something with the image for all I care. Sharpen: Make it sharp if you want. Red Eye: It's same like sharpen. I think.

You're fucking ready to edit and mess up some more! Yaaaay! :D
Featured: What picnik has up and is popular. Effects: There's tons of effects, but some are labeled premium. Text: Put text on your image if you want, and you can use different fronts than that "same" boring Arial. Some fonts are labeled premium. Stickers: add stickers as accessories for your image. again, some are labeled premium. Stuff: make it purdy! alot are premium. Frames: if you want to add borders or the like for the hell of it. Advance: the good stuff for the people who have premium. Seasonal: Holiday shit. You know what I mean.

Save & Share
Congratulations you motherfucking noob! You are finally done with your image. Save your image and try to type in some words for the file image. That'll be great. Oh, and JPG = Sucky, GIF = for small files, PNG = Clear and alive baby! Click save photo. You can also share your image and spread the disease on teh int3rw3bz! There's more shiet.

Hope you all like this sucky tutorial navigation 8D
Oh, and here's some reminders for the time being:

Premium = The good shiet. Try to upgrade your picnik to get the good stuff. Yes you have to use real cash/money/mulah.
PNG = Clear and clean. It'll be alive once you upload it. No kidding.
JPG = It's kinda fine, I guess.
GIF = Shitty if you want little sparky pixels on your image. Somewhat thinks it's good for small files? o.o

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