Himitsu is a blog that posts new and old articles about anime, manga, video games, visual novels, books, music, Japanese stuff, doujins, and many, many more. We try to contribute alot, and we want to make our readers/viewers all happy, I guess? We're always dead and alive. Depends on the staff's status.
Milktea had this blog since 2009 before this turned into a crazy news posting blog. We're lame, but at least we're trying. Himitsu advertised about a bunch of times, and I hope we get some comments from our readers/viewers, since we're really serious here. And you don't have to be so shy by just viewing then leave. Just comment for crying out loud and share your thoughts on blog posts. Not that hard o_O
Current Chief Editor: xDarknessx
Doujins/his [H/Yaoi/Yuri] @
Moar animu reviews
Podcast [Maybe it won't happen!] !
Moar mango reviews
Moar video gamu reviews
Moar visual novelu reviews
Needs some music. @
One hell of a photo gallery. ~
*insert next item here*
~ means = We're working on it. Srsly.
! means = We're busy or it's on hold.
-_- means = We dropped it... aka (also known as) we're NOT doing it anymore.
blank (nothing next to it) means = We're not doing it yet. It's damn blank.
@ means = The group is discussing if we should do it or not.
O_O means = Mission accomplished! That means we did it.